South African Volunteer Visa
A visa only enables the holder to proceed to a port of entry before the expiry date of the visa, where the holder must comply with the applicable law, regulations and the following entry requirements of the Republic of South Africa.
- No fixed travel arrangements must be made prior to the issuing of the visa.
- No preference will be given to people applying at short notice.
- The entry requirements are NOT NEGOTIABLE.
- Application should be handed in at the Consulate by the applicant
- Visa application form duly completed and signed
- A Valid Passport ( must have TWO blank visa pages and be valid for no less than 30 days after your departure from the RSA) + copy
- Two recent passport-size photograph
- Valid Swiss residence permit OR carte de légitimation and/or a Note Verbale (for diplomatic passports) + copy
- Non-refundable visa-fee of CHF 35.00 (If applicable) (To be deposited in the Consulate Bank Account – Details to be obtained at the Consulate)
- Confirmation of the purpose and the period of stay in South Africa:
- (Confirmed hotel reservations OR Confirmed travel package OR Invitation letter from a resident in SA (please include a copy of their ID book or resident’s permit+valid SA permit if non SA citizen) OR Invitation/Confirmation of business trip from the South African company AND the Swiss company)
- Copy of flight reservation
- Proof of financial means to cover expenses during stay in RSA in the form of:
- recent bank statement OR salary advice
- proof of employment
- letter of sponsorship from SA resident (with copy of either their ID or residence permit and recent bank statement OR salary advice)
- Yellow fever vaccination certificate (ONLY when travelling from or through a yellow fever area)
- Medical and Radiological report.
- A letter from the organisation where the services will be rendered, confirming the nature and period of the services
- A letter of confirmation that it is not a paid post
- Medical/Accidental Insurance
- Police clearance certificate not older than 6 months in respect of each country he/she lived in for 12 months or longer since the age of 18 years( police report to be apostille)
- Parent’s authorization for minor under 18 years
- Medical cover
- Accommodation
Please note:
- Documentation that accompanies the visa application shall be original or copies authenticated by the issuing authority of the country of origin and translated into English, where applicable, and certified as a correct translation by a sworn translator at the expense of the applicant.
- Furthermore, no ‘express service’ for processing visa applications is available.
Nations Business Centre, rue du Pré-de-la Bichette 1, 1202 Geneva Switzerland | Phone: +41 22 849 54 54 | Email: mission@safricaun.ch